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REST API requests are hard limited to one request per second.


Encrypted connections require a valid HTTPS certificate for the device.


All nodes and values of the API can be queried directly.


Requests are designed to directly access a node or value. To query the full API tree, use:

  • https://[device]/api/rest/?token=XYZ for encrypted requests
  • http://[device]/api/rest/?token=XYZ for unencrypted requests

Encrypted connections require a valid HTTPS certificate for the device.

This will return a huge JSON object. Therefore, querying the API root on a regular basis is not recommended to keep traffic and load to a save level.

To authenticate, use GET argument token.

Rate limiting

REST requests are limited to one per second per client, to reduce overall system load. If the limit is exceeded, the device will answer with error 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. If more connectivity is required, consider using the WebSocket based connection instead.

Query Objects / Nodes

For example, to query automix group 1 status of mixer 0, use:


For a full list and description of available paths, see OpenAPI documentation.


"_active": true,
"attmax": 12,
"attpassive": 15,
"hold": 260,
"ratio": 1.5,
"release": 8.5

Query single value

For example, to query automix group 1 hold time of mixer 0, use:



Set values

To set a specific value, use GET argument set

For example, to change the automix group 1 hold time of mixer 0, use:



If you query the value again, it will have the new value.


If the value you provided doesn't match the accepted range, it will be set to it's nearest possible value (minimum or maximum)

If you provide the wrong type (e.g. string instead of integer), it will result in an error message.

Flat option

To navigate the API tree, GET requests support the option flat=true. This will only print an array containing the next tree nodes / levels without any values.

For example, querying a mixer:




HTTP/POST requests can always be sent to the same endpoints:

  • https://[device]/api/rest/
  • http://[device]/api/rest/

Encrypted connections require a valid HTTPS certificate for the device.

Control api expects a message body that is formatted the following way:

{"method":"get", "path":"/audio/mixers/0/automix/1/hold", "token":"XYZ"}
  • method: get to query values, set to set values
  • path: path within control api, see OpenAPI documentation
  • token: DHD API token.

Get values

To get a specific value, use "method":"get".

For example, to query automix group 1 hold time of mixer 0, use:

// Query
{"method":"get", "path":"/audio/mixers/0/automix/1/hold", "token":"XYZ"}

// Answer

If you query the whole automix group 1 of mixer 0, you can address the node directly. It will return the json object accordingly:

// Query
{"method":"get", "path":"/audio/mixers/0/automix/1/", "token":"XYZ"}

// Answer

Set values

To set a specific value, use "method":"set".

For example, to change the automix group 1 hold time of mixer 0, use:

// Query
{"method":"set", "path":"/audio/mixers/0/automix/1/hold", "payload":42, "token":"XYZ"}

// Answer