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Ember+ is an open protocol based on a initiative out of the Lawo Group and L-S-B Broadcast Technologies GmbH. Documentation, wiki, sources and SDK of the Ember+ protocol can be found at the Ember+ project page:

Make sure to check resources there if you encounter any unexpected issues with Ember+.


DHD offers an Ember+ protocol interface on different devices. At the following chapters we describe the structure of the provided data via this interface. If enabled in the DHD device configuration, the Ember+ protocol interface can be reached via the device's IP address at TCP Port 9000.

At devices (XC2/XD2/XS2 cores) with Firmware 8.2.x or lower, up to 5 connections can be open. At devices (XC2/XD2/XS2 cores) with Firmware 9.0.6 or higher, up to 10 connections are possible. At devices (XC3/XD3/XS3 IP cores) with Firmware 10.0.0 or higher, up to 10 connections are possible. AES67 interfaces (52-7067A/52-7567A) support up to 5 Ember+ connections.