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The DHD External Control Protocol can be used on TCP/IP or serial interface to control the DHD devices from external systems.

The following table shows the availability of these interfaces dependent on the various frame/controller types:

Frame typeController typeRS232RS422TCP
RM4200D DSP FrameRM420-8501 port on RM420-850 controller + 1 to 3 ports on each RM420-851 DSP Controller (max. 4 ports)-max. 10 sockets(1)
RM4200D DSP FrameRM420-8521 to 3 port on each RM420-851 DSP Controller (max. 3 ports)1 portmax. 10 sockets(2)
RM420-8531 to 3 port on each RM420-851 DSP Controller (max. 3 ports)Only on RM420-852B / RM420-853B!max. 10 sockets(2)
XR Router52-68501 port1 portmax. 10 sockets(2)
52-685152-5862 RS232/RS232 card required52-5860 RS232/RS422 card required!max. 10 sockets(2)
XS Core52-18011 port on XS Core-max. 10 sockets(2)
52-18041 port on XS Core-max. 10 sockets(2)
XC Core52-74001 port on XC Core-max. 10 sockets(2)
52-74021 port on XC Core-max. 10 sockets(2)
52-74031 port on XC Core-max. 10 sockets(2)
XD Core52-7440/7450max. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 10 sockets(2)
52-7441/7450max. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 10 sockets(2)
52-7442/7450max. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7450 Controllermax. 10 sockets(2)
XS2 Core52-18101 port on XS2 Core-max. 10 sockets
52-18301 port on XS2 Core-max. 10 sockets
XC2 Core52-74231 port on XC2 Core-max. 10 sockets
52-74201 port on XC2 Core-max. 10 sockets
52-74101 port on XC2 Core-max. 10 sockets
XD2 Core52-7440/7456max. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 10 sockets
52-7441/7456max. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 10 sockets
52-7442/7456max. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 2 ports on 52-7456 Controllermax. 10 sockets

((1) : max. 4 sockets possible when using Firmware Version 05.05.27…05.06.01)

((2) : max. 5 sockets until Firmware Version 7.04.06)


Please check module documentation for electrical specifications and pin assignment on RS232 and RS422 interfaces.

Serial Communication

Data Transmission

The parameters of the serial port are: 38400, 8, N, 1 no protocol

The values 0x00…0x1F are reserved as control bytes. If data belongs into this range, they are replaced by the following two bytes DLE, value+0x20.

Blocks are sent only in one direction, they are only answered with either ACK or NAK. As an answer with data, another block is sent.

Structure of a block:

| STX | 0,0,0,0,L3…L0 | 0,0,0,ID28…ID24 | ID23…ID16 | ID15…ID8 | ID7…ID0 | D0…Dn | PS | EOT 

|STX |0x02
|L3…L0 |Information on length - value between 0…8 (byte(s))
|ID28…ID0 |Command ID according to command description
|D0…Dn |Data (0-8 Byte)
|PS |Checksum according to the formula below
|EOT |0x08
|DLE |0x0A
|ACK |0x06
|NAK |0x05

This block is answered either with ACK or NAK. The block must be answered within 80 ms. After this time, the block is repeated. Each block is repeated three times maximum, after that the transmission of the block is canceled. The serial port has a buffer that can store up to 100 blocks. If this buffer is full because all blocks have to be repeated (no throughput), additional blocks are rejected.

The checksum is calculated over the original Data. For every Byte from Length to last Data Byte do the following:

Checksum = Checksum + (Byte xor 0xAA)

Checksum = Checksum * 2


static unsigned int TxPS;
void SendByte(unsigned char Byte, int Control) {
int i;
if (!Control) { /* calculate Checksum */
TxPS += (Byte^0xAA);
TxPS <<= 1;
if ((!Control) && (Byte<0x20)) {
SendChar(COM, DLE);
Byte += (unsigned char)0x20;
SendChar(COM, Byte);

Transmission Routine

for (; RepCnt>0; RepCnt--) {
TxPS = 0;
// Send block
SendByte(STX, 1);
B = (unsigned char)(Block.Length);
SendByte(B, 0);
B = (unsigned char)((Block.ID & 0x1F000000L)>>24);
SendByte(B, 0);
B = (unsigned char)((Block.ID & 0x00FF0000L)>>16);
SendByte(B, 0);
B = (unsigned char)((Block.ID & 0x0000FF00L)>>8);
SendByte(B, 0);
B = (unsigned char)((Block.ID & 0x0000000FFL));
SendByte(B, 0);
for (i=0; i<Block.Length; i++) SendByte(Block.Data[i], 0);
SendByte((unsigned char)TxPS, 0); /* transmit Checksum */
SendByte(EOT, 1);
if (!ByteComReceiveTimed(&B, 80)) {
else {
if (B==ACK) {

Functional Principle

All blocks received over a serial port are either routed to the central communication controller or to the internal CAN-bus, dependent on the Frame Type/ Controller Type (see Introduction for further background).

All blocks of a defined type are routed to the serial port by either the central communication controller or the CAN-bus, dependent on the Frame Type/ Controller Type.

Description of Data Blocks

Only the necessary data blocks are described. The device transmits additional blocks that have to be answered with ACK, but their contents can be ignored. Only the described commands should be sent to the serial port.

IP Communication

The data of the IP port are adapted to the CAN bus protocol, for example blocks with up to 8 data bytes and an ID of 28 Bit are used.

Data Transmission

The parameters of the IP port are: TCP Connection, IP Address, Port 2008

Structure of a block:

0,0,0,L3…L0Information on length - value between 0x00…0x08 (byte(s))
ID28…ID0Command ID according to command description
B0…B7Byte 0…7 \ Number of valid data bytes depend on the command and are encoded in the length parameter.\ On receive: Other bytes can carry values ≠ 0 (zero), and therefore should not be used for interpretation!\ On send: Value of unused bytes should be 0 (zero).
U0, U1, U2Unused blocks - Value should be 0 (zero) for sending data into the device.\ While receiving data from the device, those blocks also can carry values ≠ 0 (zero), and therefore should not be used for interpretation!

The length of one block is always 16 byte.

Structure of a Block Example


On firmware versions 06.xx.xx and higher sockets are nonblocking. If data is not fetched fast enough from a socket it will be automatically closed.


Buffer[0] = Length;
Buffer[1] = 0;
Buffer[2] = (ID>>24)&0xFF;
Buffer[3] = (ID>>16)&0xFF;
Buffer[4] = (ID>>8)&0xFF;
Buffer[5] = (ID>>0)&0xFF;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) Buffer[i+6]=Data[i];
Socket1->Socket->SendBuf((void*)Buffer, 16);

Functional Principle

All blocks received over an IP port are either routed to the central communication controller or to the internal CAN-bus, dependent on the Frame Type / Controller Type (see Introduction for further background).

All blocks of a defined type are routed to a connected IP port by either the central communication controller or by the CAN-bus, dependent on the Frame Type / Controller Type.

All data is in Motorola-format (MSB first)